News: Progress for the Independent GIFCT

News: Progress for the Independent GIFCT
11 December 2019 GIFCT
In News

At the United Nations General Assembly this past September, we announced that GIFCT would become an independent organization in order to further its mission to prevent terrorist and violent extremist exploitation of digital platforms. The independent GIFCT, led by an Executive Director and supported by dedicated technology, counterterrorism and operations teams, will build on our early achievements and deepen industry collaboration with experts, partners and government stakeholders

Since we made this announcement in September, we’ve focused on establishing this next important step for the organization:

  • New Structure: The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism is now an independent 501(c)(3) registered in the United States. Here is more information about the new structure.
  • New Leadership: We are officially seeking an experienced Executive Director to advance the organization’s mission and take the GIFCT into the next decade. Those interested in the role and how to apply can learn more here.
  • New Collaboration: In January 2020, GIFCT will begin Phase Two of support for its academic research network, led by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR), based at King’s College London. ICSR will establish the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET) and bring together an international consortium of leading academic institutions and experts with core institutional partnerships from the US, UK, Australia, Germany and Singapore to study and share findings on combating terrorist and violent extremist use of digital platforms. GNET will build on Phase One of the GIFCT academic research network known as the Global Research Network on Terrorism and Technology, building a wider network of academic institutions and think tanks as well as collaboration with existing partners.

The new, independent GIFCT will continue to support a program of knowledge-sharing, technical innovation and shared research in collaboration with experts, civil society and government. We will continue our progress in fulfilling the commitments of the Christchurch Call to Action, supporting academic research, promoting counterspeech efforts online, and empowering a broad range of technology companies to prevent and respond to abuse of their platforms.

We look forward to sharing more soon.