GIFCT’s inaugural Multistakeholder Forum took place on Thursday, July 23, 2020. Please find the agenda, recordings and PDFs below.
Part 1 | The New GIFCT & the Threat Landscape
Agenda and Speakers
2:00 AM EDT Welcome & Opening Remarks
- Courtney Gregoire, Chief Digital Safety Officer, Microsoft, and Chair, Operating Board, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
- Brad Smith, President, Microsoft
- Nicholas Rasmussen, Executive Director, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
- Bjørn Ihler, Chair of the GIFCT Independent Advisory Committee
2:30 AM The Evolving Threat Landscape: A 2020 Update
- Moderator: Dr. Shiraz Maher, Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET)
Response Panel
- Farah Pandith, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations, Senior Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School
- Lydia Khalil, Lowy Institute
- Hamish Hansford, First Assistant Secretary, Department of Home Affairs, Australian Government
- Adam Hadley, Tech Against Terrorism
3:30 AM EDT – End of Part I
Part 2 | The Work of the New GIFCT: A Survey of Priority Focus Areas
Agenda and Speakers
2:00 PM EDT Overview of the GIFCT Working Groups
- Moderator: Nicholas Rasmussen, Executive Director, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
Working Group Facilitators and Presenters:
- Academic and Practical Research: Dina Hussein, Facebook
- Content-Sharing Algorithms, Processes, and Positive Interventions: Lucy Calladine, Google and YouTube
- Crisis Response: Jacqueline Beauchere, Microsoft
- Legal Approaches: Nick Pickles, Twitter
- Technical Approaches: Adam Hadley, Tech Against Terrorism (TBC)
- Transparency: Dr. Erin Saltman, Facebook
2:50 PM Response & Reaction Panel
- Moderator: Nicholas Rasmussen
- Academia: Evelyn Douek, Harvard Law School
- Law Enforcement: Tobias Wippich, Bundeskriminalamt, Germany
- Civil Society: Dia Kayyali, WITNESS
3:30 PM Next Steps and Conclusion of Part II
3:35 PM Break
Breakout Sessions
3:45 PM Working Group Breakout Sessions
4:15 PM End of event