Year Four Working Groups


Since 2020, GIFCT has convened an annual series of Working Groups to focus on critical themes related to countering terrorism and violent extremism online. Working Groups bring together experts from diverse stakeholder groups, geographies and disciplines to offer advice in specific thematic areas and deliver on targeted, substantive projects.

Each year, Working Groups are refreshed to update themes and focus areas and to allow new participants to join. Year 4 Working Groups (2024) are focusing on the following themes:

  • Hash Sharing Working Group: Evolving inclusion parameters
  • Incident Response Working Group: Future-proofing GIFCT’s Incident Response Framework
  • Gaming Community of Practice: Supporting gaming tech safety

Hash Sharing Working Group: Evolving Inclusion Parameters

In order to enhance the transparency and accuracy of GIFCT’s Hash-Sharing Database (HSDB), this Working Group will meet approximately five times from April to October 2024 to review the existing inclusion criteria, identify potential gaps, and put forward suggestions for expansion. Meetings will include consultations with current GIFCT member companies and feedback sessions with global experts. The Working Group will result in the publication of a final report mapping out recommendations and expectations on the future trajectory of GIFCT’s HSDB inclusion criteria.

Incident Response Working Group: Future-proofing GIFCT’s Incident Response Framework

This Working Group will meet approximately five times from July to November 2024 to review, update, and future-proof GIFCT’s Incident Response Framework (IRF). It will evaluate the societal harms around terrorist and violent extremist attacks and mass violent events, study case studies across different regions, and assess different types of content, including AI-generated and synthetic content. Meetings will include consultations with current GIFCT member companies and feedback sessions with global experts. The Working Group will result in a final report analyzing research on harmful material online related to terrorism and violent extremism, reviewing previous GIFCT Content Incident Protocol activations, and putting forward recommendations to strengthen and update GIFCT’s IRF mechanism.

Gaming Community of Practice: Supporting Gaming Tech Safety

This Working Group will invite researchers, policy makers, and subject matter experts to support GIFCT’s Gaming Community of Practice (GCoP) by sharing their insights and feedback on the ways in which game-play spaces should evolve their safety work, review safety policies, tools, and practices, and anticipate evolving safety risks. Participants will be asked to join one or two GCoP meetings in 2024 to contribute to specific themed discussions to help inform the Community of Practice’s themes and goals.