Global Legislative Map

Led by Vanessa Christophers, the GIFCT Legal Frameworks Working Group created this tool to better understand and follow the rapidly evolving legislations impacting how tech companies enforce their content policies across the globe. This tool maps emerging and current legislation, including proposals and technical papers, relating to the moderation of violent extremist and terrorist related content online, with a focus on the obligations placed on technology companies. The tool explores proposals and legislation in 24 countries, sometimes two per country. While online regulation is taking place in other countries too, the tool focuses on the ones affecting internet companies in their ability to counter terrorism and violent extremism.

A prominent resource in developing this tool was the Online Regulation Series (ORS), a landmark regulatory analysis project by Tech Against Terrorism providing an overview of legal responses to terrorist use of the internet and online regulation globally. With the ORS, Tech Against Terrorism aims to condense the complex and fragmented regulatory landscape to improve tech company awareness of emerging global regulation and its potential impact on  online counter terrorism efforts. All ORS analysis is publicly available on Tech Against Terrorism’s Knowledge Sharing Platform, which also includes a table of all pieces of legislation covered. The ORS is published on a yearly basis, to cover new countries and to provide updates on previously analyzed regulatory frameworks.